
Science and technology is the first productive forces to promote the development of enterprises. Many key technologies, independently developed by the company’s expert team and technical personnel, which have been put into use, inject a steady stream of vitality for the enterprise development. It has successively obtained 1 national invention patent, 12 national utility model patents, 4 computer software copyrights, and been identified as a national high-tech enterprise.


The ore dressing workshop of Jinhui Mining

? 太康县| 大厂| 陇川县| 临潭县| 清水河县| 宜丰县| 尚义县| 迁安市| 成武县| 南陵县| 刚察县| 普兰店市| 梁河县| 东至县| 维西| 团风县| 分宜县| 德惠市| 台安县| 建湖县| 江永县| 盐池县| 拉孜县| 洞口县| 青川县| 郎溪县| 乌兰察布市| 台安县| 巫山县| 罗定市| 安新县| 汶川县| 张家界市| 枣庄市| 凯里市| 沧源| 汤原县| 梁山县| 长丰县| 防城港市| 武城县|